Our team is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide variety of pet surgeries. Read in more detail below.
Surgeries We Offer
Spayed female pets face a reduced risk of certain cancers, will not go into heat and attract unwanted attention from male pets, and can live a longer life. Neutered male pets will be more affectionate, less aggressive, and less likely to get testicular cancer. They can live longer as a result of neutering services as well. Without neutering, male pets can be distant and may be aggressive with other pets or with family members. Protect your family’s and your pet’s health by scheduling this routine procedure!
Our patients often ask when they should schedule an appointment for spaying or neutering cats and dogs. As a general rule, we recommend that you spay or neuter pets at the age of six months to have the most health benefits. Pets who are older than 6 months can be spayed/neutered; however, younger pets should wait until the 6-month mark to have the surgery.
Full-Service Pet Dentistry
Our goal is to keep your pet’s teeth as clean and disease-free as possible. The number one disease in pets over the age of three is dental disease. This causes not only bad breath and pain in the mouth but also leads to organ failure and shorter life spans.
Pets, like people, need teeth cleaning periodically. The interval between professional dental cleanings depends on many factors. Most important is the home care you can provide as well as the genetic make-up of your pet.
Dental care includes prophylactic cleaning. Our licensed veterinary technicians perform our teeth cleaning for our patients. Pets must be anesthetized for this procedure to enable us to properly remove tartar from all surfaces of the teeth.
We use an ultrasonic descaler and a high-speed polisher. We extract any teeth with root decay. The patient is admitted to the hospital in the morning and is discharged in the afternoon.
Please ask us what you can do to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and breath fresh. We will be happy to discuss with you any questions that you may have about dental cleaning.
Dental Radiography (From Ages 7 & Up)
Dental radiography is valuable in diagnosing oral/dental disease in your pets. Without it, dental problems can be missed. They help in diagnosis, treatment planning, and post-surgery treatment success.

Laser Therapy
At AVMC, we are proud to offer laser therapy. We are proactive with pain management and treat every patient post-surgically with a therapy laser to speed healing and recovery. Laser therapy also has many other benefits.
Clinical Benefits of Laser Therapy
The clinical benefits of laser therapy include pain management, inflammation reduction, and reduced recovery time.
The benefits of veterinary laser therapy are relatively new in the veterinary industry. Despite this, veterinarians are quick to adopt the technology as they see a marked improvement in their patient’s quality of life and most notably in the reduction of pain and swelling and the increase in mobility.
MLS Laser Therapy technology is the most advanced laser therapy system on the market. Reduction of response times, and therefore overall treatment times, distinguishes MLS Laser Therapy from traditional laser therapy with reciprocal advantages for both the operator and the patient.
The benefits of MLS Laser Therapy include:
- Anti-Inflammatory Effect
- Analgesic Effect
- Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
- Improved Vascular Activity
- Increases Metabolic Activity
- Stimulation of Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points
- Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
- Improved Nerve Function
- Immunoregulation
- Faster Wound Healing
MLS Laser Therapy effectively treats pain associated with:
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Wounds
- Post-Surgical Swelling
- Inflamed Ears
- Lick Granuloma
- Hip Dysplasia
- Disc Disease
- Lameness
- Sinusitis
- and much more!
Call us today for more information on how laser therapy can help your pet!
Orthopedic Surgery
From broken bones to torn ligaments, AVMC can handle all of your orthopedic needs. Our doctor has years of experience correcting problem orthopedic conditions. We have access to advanced techniques for many complicated orthopedic procedures, including:
- Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency repair – Lateral Fabellar Suture, Plated Cruciate Repair
- Patellar Luxation Repair
- Fracture Repair
- Amputation
- Bone and Bone Marrow Biopsy
- FHO – Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy
- Joint Taps
Soft Tissue Surgery
At AVMC, we understand that surgery can be a cause for worry. You care about your pet and do not want to see them undergo a traumatic experience. We care as much as you do and can assure you that only the highest level of care is provided with the latest knowledge in pain management, surgical technique, and technology to ensure safe and comfortable outcomes.
Our doctor performs surgery on Tuesdays and Thursdays. From elective surgeries such as a spay, neuter, or declaw to mass removals and abdominal procedures, we perform a variety of surgeries at Advanced Veterinary Medical Center.
We are proud to offer laser technology for all surgeries. This is the latest in surgical technology that seals blood vessels, nerve endings, and lymphatics as it cuts through tissue. This decreases pain, bleeding, and swelling for the patient. The recovery is faster and less painful for your pet.
All of our patients are monitored by one of our licensed technicians and sophisticated equipment that monitors pulse rate, respiration, the oxygen level in the blood, and body temperature.
The surgical team monitors the anesthetic level and comfort of the patient from the induction of anesthetic to the recovery of the patient post-surgically. We are proactive with pain management and always treat post-surgically with a therapy laser to speed up the recovery process.

Clinical Benefits of Laser Surgery
Customers value the clinical benefits of laser surgery for veterinary care. Laser surgery is recognized in human and veterinary medicine for its benefits to both patient and surgeon. While several types of lasers are used for different applications, the primary device for soft tissue surgery in small and mixed animal practices is a carbon dioxide laser.
Some of the clinical benefits of laser surgery include:
- Reduced Pain
- The CO2 laser beam seals nerve endings as it cuts through tissue. The CO2 laser beam reduces the amount of pain the patient feels during and after surgery.
- Reduced Bleeding
- The CO2 laser beam cauterizes and seals small blood vessels as it cuts. This laser energy achieves hemostasis and provides the surgeon with a bloodless surgical field in most procedures.
- Reduced Swelling
- There is no physical contact between the laser and the surgical region, eliminating the tearing and bruising of tissue associated with traditional surgical methods. Lymphatic vessels are also sealed.
- Reduced Infection
- Laser energy acts as an antibacterial agent by producing high temperatures, effectively eliminating microorganisms.
- Quicker Recovery
- As a result of all of the above, laser surgery provides the benefit your clients will appreciate the most: a quicker recovery for their pets.
Our Veterinary Care Philosophy
At AVMC, we love animals and want to do everything we can to keep your pets healthy and happy. From routine services, including spaying/neutering and wellness exams to pet behavioral or nutritional counseling, we strive to help your pet feel safe and comfortable while responding to any questions you have.
We want you to feel welcome at our veterinary practice.